Since my initial post, my musings have peripherally touched upon the topic of serving G-d with happiness. I have discussed ways to enhance happiness and avoid aspects of life that detract from happiness. I then hope that once a level of happiness is attained, it will result in a state of being ready to serve G-d (in all the ways discussed here: Ivdu et Hashem bsimcha).
Today, I deliberate on a specific, very important way that I do what G-d wants of me.
I am an עזר כנגדו (ezer kenegdo). When G-d created woman, He called her the "compatible helper" to man. On a deeper level, a spiritual companion.
A husband and wife each have this role to and for each other. One's purpose in marriage is to help and give to the other on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level. If both spouses embody this principle then they will both receive adequately. I have worked very hard on attaining this perspective in my marriage. It did not come naturally to me (does it to anybody???!?!). I still have a long way to go, but I think that I have finally gotten to the point of thinking of my husband's needs as equal to mine. Eventually, I would like to feel as though I put his needs above my own. Realistically, this will not be possible until my children are older and I don't need to take care of myself so that I can be in a place to put their every need before my own.
I digress.
Right now, my role as my husband's helpmate is to support him on the six month journey he commences this week. It's simultaneously a journey of warfare and a journey of personal character and strength. He will face challenges and with G-d's help, he will learn and grow as a military officer and as a person. Throughout this time, I need to be there for him. Even more importantly, I need to do it b'simcha - with happiness! Yes, I am back home taking care of three children on my own day in and day out, but I need to infuse this life with as much happiness as possible so that I can maintain the strength that I need to support him in his journey. I need to serve my husband and my children with happiness. Through so doing, I indirectly help myself, because it is much more enjoyable to be happy than sad.
I will cry when he leaves. I am sure of it. It's about as sure as the sun rising tomorrow morning. But as those tears fade, they will be replaced by fortification, strength, and a deep happiness that I am given the opportunity to help him do what he needs to do and be who he needs to be.
You are your biggest supporter:) Thanks for helping me in all your posts too!