The deployment begins.
Six months of life without our "captain" (husband has decided upon this blog name for himself :-))
Over the past few days, I have given a lot of thought to my psychological approach. In comparison to our previous deployments of 2 1/2 months, it seems like an eternity. But it's not an eternity - it's six months. At least it's not 12 months!! And if it were 12 months...... at least he's not sailing across an ocean only to return at the unknown time of the conclusion of the war (as was the case for most soldiers in WWII - those who made it home).
It's all about perspective.
Six months is six months is six months.
Back when we dealt with 10 week deployments, I used to count the weeks. After week one - 10% complete! After week two - 20%... etc. I took a very mathematical approach to the passage of day after day.
With six months, that would be a little too depressing in the beginning. So instead, I have decided to just live each day independent of the big picture of time. A true role model who used to live in our community went through a 9 month deployment. Each time I asked how she was doing, she responded, "One day at a time." Now, I know where she was coming from. It's the only way to do it. In the day, I can feel joy and excitement. I can experience the here and now. If I view the day as a means to the return of my captain, it will be filled with sadness. So I will be in the day and in the moment. I will be with my children and my amazing friends - who have already reached out in so many ways to make me feel supported and not alone. And with G-d's help, this approach will make the days pass quickly, one after the other, eventually giving rise to the sun on the morning of his return.
Here we go - ready or not - it's sink or swim - and I've decided to swim!
We're here with you, but really you are the inspiring one to those of us who think our husbands are hardly ever around. "Hardly ever" hah!! It's not even one full day!